Cream of The Crap

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or...Geeks Play Cards and Get Beaten Up.

21 is a movie about THE 6 MIT students who took Las Vegas by storm. They count cards, which is not illegal but apparently could get you beaten up, or shot, or at least denied entrance to most casinos in Vegas (casinos are private property so they have the right to admit or deny anyone and most casinos in Vegas are operated under one management).

This is the movie that will make you wish you’re in college and have the brains to do what they do. This movie features Jim Sturgess, Kevin Spacey, Lawrence Fishburne, Kate Bosworth and Aaron Yoo (that guy that plays Shia La Beouf’s friend in Disturbia). Im not crazy about the cast or the plot. This is based on a book, Bringing Down the House, which is based on a true story. Apparently, these guys go to Vegas every weekend, count cards at Blackjack, wear disguises, take home wads of cash and then be back in time for class in monday morning.

 I must admit I attempted to learn to card-count in Youtube. Aparently, I failed to even count past Ace.

Overall, this is another feel-good movie.

Dopeness factor: 2.5 out of 5.0

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